It so happened that the main advantage of a man is not only intelligence or strength, but also a reproductive organ. Nature has endowed some men with a penis of sufficient size, while others suffer from low confidence in their masculine powers, consider their phallus not long or thick, are interested in how to enlarge the penis, acan become more powerful at home. There are many techniques for solving this problem. The most accessible are massages, exercises for penis enlargement.

Improving dignity
Of course, before doing exercises to increase penis thickness and length at home, you need to think about whether these are psychological complexes. Normal figures are as follows: thickness from 3 to 4 cm, and length in an erection - 12-16 cm If the numbers of manhood coincide with these indicators, then there is nothing to worry about. If there is a problem, safe home massages, exercises to increase thickness or length should be considered. You should also be aware of the factors in which some men should not get massage and exercises that can increase the penis. This:
- Trauma, surgery, neoplasia.
- Pustular, infectious, venereal diseases.
- Age up to 16 years.
For exercise, you should prepare a soft towel, lubricant, hot water, study the literature or video clips on how to do exercises to increase the power of the phallus. A centimeter tape, a notebook, a pencil are needed to measure manhood and to adjust for size changes. To extend the phallus, the following are used:
- Actions aimed at muscle stretching, massage.
- Increased blood supply to cavernous bodies.
- Kegel Exercises.
- Strong or circular extension.
- Jelqing.
It is desirable that there be no distractions during the hours.
Muscle extension aims at a slight elongation, enlargement of the penis. Before starting the exercises, it is worth warming the penis with a towel moistened with hot water (being careful not to burn the skin). The hot compress should be held for 10-15 minutes. Simultaneously with the heating, it is desirable to perform a light massage. Once heated, grasp the base of the head with your fingers and very carefully pull 1-1, 5 cm, hold for a few minutes, then release gently, warm up again and do a gentle massage. To enlarge the male organ, repeat the procedure up to 20 times, focusing on the sensations.
An important condition: stretching exercises are performed only in a relaxed penis position, so as not to get hurt.
For blood flow
Exercise aims to increase the blood supply to the tissues of the penis. It is desirable that the exercise be performed with a full erection, but very carefully so as not to injure yourself. To do this, you need to grasp the base of the organ with one hand, and the head with the other, and very carefully make circular motions, such as squeezing, twisting the towel. Repeat the exercise no more than five minutes, twice a week. If the slightest feeling of pain appears, training is stopped.
Help Kegel
Kegel exercise will not significantly enlarge the penis, but will help ensure blood flow to the cavernous bodies. Pelvic floor muscle tension training, followed by perimeter and head extension, increases erection and increases orgasm in a male. The homework technique is to reduce and relax the pubococcygeus muscle. The exercise is performed at least twice a day, fifteen approaches are made.
Be sure to follow the breathing technique, inhale and exhale through the nose during muscle contraction and relaxation. To achieve maximum effect, Kegel exercises should be performed in combination with massage and other exercises.
Withdrawal of power
Exercises to increase and extend strength are performed while sitting. Before the procedure, you should warm the penis and use a lubricant. Then grasp the head of the penis with your fingers, pull towards yourself, turn the organ left and right, making intervals between turns for a few seconds. To enlarge the penis, it is advisable to do 5-6 approaches a day. There may be some concerns during the procedure. Under no circumstances should pain be allowed to appear. The severe pain that has gripped the penis is an immediate reason to see a doctor.
Circular extraction
You can make the penis stronger by circular stretching, which is similar to a strength exercise. The difference lies in the fact that when pulling the penis, the movements are performed in a clockwise direction. The main condition for performing this technique to increase manhood is to do at least 20 spins in one session. It is desirable to combine the circular extension with other types of power extension, massage. Some men claim that this way for a month of exercise at home you can increase the penis by 1-2 cm.
Jelqing is a technique for increasing the size, volume and mass of the penis. Based on the push of blood from the pubis to the head. Before jelqing, it is important to warm the penis well. Then try to achieve an incomplete erection, grasp the phallus with two fingers, squeeze a little, slowly move your hand along the organ. Hand pressure should not cause pain. Periodically, to further enlarge the penis, you can make its small, half-second cracks. This lightweight extension allows you to quickly increase its size. To increase the base of the phallus, you can do reverse cracking (from head to pubis).
The first time jelqing is performed, lubrication (lubricant) will be required so as not to cause damage and inflammation to the delicate skin. To enlarge the penis, it is advisable to make jellies every day for at least 10 minutes.
You can increase male dignity with a variety of exercises. Many penis enlargement exercises at home are effective, practically safe. It is best not to practice classes with load or pump, as there is a possibility of serious injury. To better master the training methodology, you can watch a video on how to enlarge the penis on the websites of urologists, sexologists. On the Internet, you can find and read books on this spicy topic. One of the great authors, Aaron Kemmer, has written an excellent bestseller about penis enlargement exercises you can do at home. The impossible is possible. A man who constantly exercises will eventually increase his phallus, increase self-esteem and give him half pleasant moments of sexual intercourse.
The realm of intimate relationships has been and will always be one of the current topics of men. The penis has been worshiped by many nations since ancient times. Remember the many images of the phallus on the walls of the surviving buildings of Egypt. Phallus has always been associated with masculine strength and courage. Every man wants to have a penis bigger than average. For the first time, massage for penis enlargement is described in Arabic chronicles. It is believed that Arab boys in their youth used various methods to enlarge the penis, which was part of sex education. In this article, we will talk about how to enlarge your penis easily with exercises and massage at home. We will define the simplest and most common method, as well as discover the secrets of forgotten techniques.
Can it be downloaded?
The phallus is not a muscle! By thinking logically, you can understand that pumping the penis in the gym is impossible. It is possible to tone and strengthen only the pelvic floor muscles, which play an important role in erection but do not participate in the formation of sizes. The body of the penis is formed by two cavernous bodies and a sponge, which passes into the head of the penis, and the cavernous bodies are on the sides. For a better understanding, you can compare the penis to a sausage in dough, where the sausage is a sponge body, and the dough is cavernous. Cavernous bodies are so named because they contain gaps or "caves" where blood enters during an erection. It works like this: blood enters the cavities, fills them, at this time the pelvic floor muscles, as it were, block blood flow from the penis - more enters than the leaves. This is how an erection happens. When the muscles relax, the venous blood leaves, the gaps are released. As a result, the large phallus gradually returns to normal size. All the less effective methods are based on increasing the number and size of gaps in the body of the penis, as well as stretching the skin of the penis and traumatizing the cavernous bodies and sponges to give them an impulse to grow. All this leads to an increase in the length and thickness of the organ. Thus, massage is what you need to pay attention to if you want to enhance your manhood.
Classification of methods
- Massage for penis enlargement (on resting penis and on erect penis).
- Exercises:
- "Jelqing".
- "Uli".
- "Double sit down. "
- "Reverse Uli-Jelqing and Jelking-Uli".
- "Jelqing with holding the head of the penis. "
Manual mode
Often people use different types of expanders to extend the phallus. But they are expensive and can damage the penis. And after all, this is a foreign body that needs to be kept in the penis at least 6 hours a day. This is a number of shortcomings of the technique. For those who are unable to afford an extender or simply do not want to, there are many types of massages and exercises that can be used to increase penis size just as effectively at home. Many consider these techniques more physiological and less traumatic.
Benefits of Exercise and Massage:
- You can do this at home at any convenient time at home.
- It does not require much time (except for some techniques).
- No prior consultation with a physician is required.
- It is necessary to carefully learn the technique of execution.
- The result varies and is very individual.
- You can hurt your penis.
Let's examine in detail the technique of performing massages, they are also exercises for penis enlargement. By engaging regularly, you can increase not only the length of the phallus, but also the thickness. You will also notice that the erection will become longer, and the feelings during intercourse will be brighter.
Before doing any penis enlargement massage and exercises, it is necessary to wrap the penis with a towel moistened with warm water for 10 minutes. This is done to reduce trauma to the penis. Be sure to generously lubricate the penis with lubricant or Vaseline (in some methods, the procedure is performed "dry", this will be mentioned). It is necessary to strictly observe the level of erection recommended for exercise, otherwise the penis may be damaged.
How helps sit with jelqing
We describe in detail the most common exercises.
The most common and well-known exercise for penis enlargement is "Jelqing".
Massage technique: you should squeeze the penis at the base with the first and second fingers of the right hand and slowly extend it to the head. Without releasing the right hand, squeeze the penis at the base with the first and second fingers of the left hand and stretch again. Then again with the right hand, about thirty times in total. Erection should be 50-75%.
This is also a very common and easy exercise to increase penis thickness.
Massage technique: grasp the penis and then squeeze for 40 seconds. and let it go. The number of repetitions depends on the degree of training, on average 3-5 times. At the time of execution, there should be a full erection.
"Double seat"
The technique is similar to the Uli penis enlargement exercise.
Mode of execution: with one hand you should take the penis at the base, and with the other - in the head area. Then, rhythmically squeeze the penis simultaneously with both hands for 40-50 seconds. The number of repetitions also depends on the degree of training and the desired result.
The opposite of "Uli-Jelqing"
Technique: with the left hand, you should grasp the penis at the base and hold it throughout the exercise. Grasp the head with your right hand, squeeze slightly and lay on the base in the same way as during the execution of Jelqing. Do this about 30 times with an erection of 90-95%.
The opposite of "Jelqing-Uli"
Massage technique: with one hand grasp the penis at the base and squeeze. With the other hand, start doing the Jelqing penis enlargement exercise. It is necessary to alternate hands. Exercise is performed no more than 10 times with an erection of 90-95%.
Glans penis maintenance method
This exercise is performed with an erection of 90-95% no more than once. To increase the effect of exercise, it is recommended to do Kegel exercises to train the perineum muscles and increase blood flow. So back to technology. With your right hand, you should grasp the penis at the base, do "Jelqing", stop at the head and keep your hand there throughout the exercise. At this time, with your left hand, begin to perform "Jelqing" from the base to the head.
"Bend" Exercise
Performed on a practically non-erect penis without using lubrication, the maximum erection rate is 25%. The technique aims to increase the thickness of the penis.
To perform, you need to grasp the penis on the head with one hand and pull the penis like a thread. Place the second hand fingers under the penis and bend it. So it is necessary to bend the penis 6 times in different directions, changing the position and quantity. With the advent of flexibility, you can no longer use 1-2, but 4 fingers. This will be more efficient.
Finally, we describe the Kegel exercise technique, which can be easily performed at home.
It is easy to do - just try to stop the flow of urine while urinating and you will immediately feel the tension between the scrotum and the anus, here are the muscles important for erection. Simulate the suspension of urine flow - and there is an exercise. You can train your perineum muscles this way anywhere and without being noticed by others.
From practice: for greater effectiveness, along with performing a penis enlargement massage, you can use different ointments, foams and lotions to change the size of the phallus.
There is nothing impossible in life! It all depends on the motivation and the amount of effort made for it. Penis enlargement exercises have proven their effectiveness for many years, but it takes more than a week of training to achieve results. Try it! It's very nice to feel macho!
Taoist practice for men
The philosophy of Taoism teaches us to think and observe the tendencies and flows of energy, and in no case to go against the flow, but to know the rhythm of the universe and to join it. Taoism teaches calmness and self-control over both the body and emotions. From a European point of view, this is the ability to recognize the paths of least resistance and use them to your advantage. The teachings of the Tao are multifaceted; it affected both the healing practices of the body and the practices of sexual intercourse. Unlike the Christian tradition, Taoists did not consider sex as a sinner, they perceived it as an energy process that is part of the Universe and strived for its perfection. As a result, Taoists developed an original system of physical exercises, which was created to optimize energy processes ("qi" energy) in the human body.
Taoist Exercises to Improve Qi Circulation
"Seven Wonderful Exercises. "The purpose of this complex is to increase the circulation of "qi" and increase the overall energy potential of the body. The first four exercises stimulate the circulation of qi currents, the other three help improve blood circulation, get rid of congestion and ensure blood supply to all remote areas.
Taoist practice for men
In the urethral canal in the region of the base of the penis there is a thickening - seminal tuberculosis. Vas deferens passes through the body of seminal tuberculosis. Sperm, entering through them during ejaculation, dilates the ducts and acts on the nerve receptors of seminal tuberculosis. This is what causes the feeling of orgasm in a man.
The Taoist technique of multiple male orgasm is based on these processes, when the flow of sperm is mechanically stopped at the level of the seminal tuberculosis and squeezed back (which is done by squeezing the trained pubococcal muscle). This way, you can constantly get the feeling of orgasm without ejaculation. In addition, in Taoist techniques, they practice injecting sperm into the bladder, controlling the obturator mechanism of the bladder. The benefits and safety for men's health from the sperm flow redirection technique is highly debatable and controversial. Taoists consider the seed saved in this way quite extreme as an additional source of energy and longevity, which is also doubtful (the seed fluid will leave the body anyway, only with hunger).
Sensing the approach of ejaculation, the man stretches the anus and the floor of the pelvis, suspending breathing, as in the "Deer" exercise described below. This somewhat reduces the intensity of a man's sexual activity as well as desire. With good self-control, a man can stop ejaculating in the seminal tuberculosis area after experiencing an appearance of an orgasm; after a short pause, he can continue rubbing, prolonging sexual intercourse.
For men and women
Here are some simple but effective exercises from different Taoist styles:
The first golden exercise "Until"
Considering the deer as a high-powered animal, Taoists observed its behavior and noticed that it constantly wagged its tail. Why he trembles, only the deer knows, but Taoists considered his behavior as a pubococcygeus muscle exercise. Exercise helps prevent pelvic organ prolapse, which can occur with age and impair sexual function (as well as urinary and fecal incontinence) in both women and men. Moreover, a trained pubococcal muscle makes it possible to control the duration of sexual intercourse. "Until" reminds you of Kegel exercises.
Regular practice of Taoist exercises will allow you to feel your body tighter, feel its processes, and will also give you the opportunity to influence and control them.
First you need to stand firmly on a flat straight surface and massage the occipital fossa at the base of the skull with the middle fingers of both hands 49 times. This is supposed to activate nerve endings at the entrance to the brain. Then you need to place your fingers on one tip around your thumb.
Inhalation is done through the nose and held for 10-15 seconds. At this time, you should quickly and firmly stretch the pelvic floor and pull the anus. Then exhale through your nose for 5 seconds. The mouth should be closed, the tongue should be behind the bottom row of teeth. Relaxation should occur during extraction. Exercise is performed 21 times - after bedtime and before bedtime.
"Source of recovery"
Exercise is designed to normalize kidney function. First you need to stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms folded and relaxed, breathing through your nose. Take a deep breath as you rise to your toes and turn your shoulders. You should try to stop breathing for a minute and shake your whole body relaxed. In this case, men are invited to shake the genitals, and women to relax the sphincter entering the vagina. As you exhale, tighten your abdomen and gently lower your heels. Plus, you have to do circular shoulder movements 16 times in the "eight" (at the same time, you can already breathe voluntarily). The hands remain lowered. With proper exercise, you can feel the blood flow to your fingers.
Exercise "8 diagrams" ("8 trigrams")
The hands draw a figure similar to the yin-yang symbol in a circle (trigram). Stand up straight, arms down, body and mind relaxed. Slowly raise your arms in front of you at shoulder level, as if holding a round object, sit down slightly. The left hand rises smoothly above the head, and the right hand descends, outlining a bow from behind, while a half-squat is performed on the left foot. Then raise your right hand forward and up until it rises above your head. Turn your right palm back and draw a vertical circle with your hand, and then "yin-yang" in this circle. Once you have described the symbol, the right hand should be raised above the head. Open the right leg forward and half lie on it. The left hand goes down and back, describing the trigram symbol. Once you have completed the description of the symbol, the left hand is above the head. Then the right hand goes down and draws the symbol again and the right foot is pulled back. The exercise is done 8 times on each side in about a minute and looks like a kind of jump.
Exercise develops coordination of movements, calms the nervous system (following the movements of the arms and legs, one can hardly think of anything else), activates a number of reflex points in the area of the shoulders, shoulders and neck. Systematic application of "8 trigrams" is believed to prevent heart disease, including myocardial infarction.
"The turtle pulls its head"
Exercise helps to get rid of belly fat (abdominal obesity) and is extremely beneficial for metabolic syndrome and diabetes. On your feet, hang your arms along your body. Turn your palms towards the ground. Raise your hands to your chest. Do half step forward and half squat on the front leg. Bend, hands try to "dig" the ground and then rise along the front leg (at this time it runs smoothly) to the stomach, turning the palms towards the body.
"Roc Flight" This exercise improves coordination and normalizes weight.
The hands in front of the chest are positioned as if holding a ball. With this "ball" you have to describe a horizontal figure eight, lowering it down and starting the climb to the most accessible point (half of figure eight). The hands then turn to the chest and outline the second half of the eight on the other side.
"White flying crane"
This is a whole set of exercises built on imitating the movements of a crane, its head, neck and arms. Designed to improve the spine, effective in fighting cervical osteochondrosis, helps normalize blood pressure, eliminate headaches and back pain. How to perform the movements, it is better to watch the video, the video sequence is accompanied by comments.
Recommendations for Taoist exercises
The movements should be performed without haste and fuss, without excessive effort, but with maximum awareness of the elements that are made. It is important that the exercises are done systematically - only then will their beneficial effect be fully manifested.